Friday, February 5, 2010

What to do when there is a snow storm outside, Part 2.

So when it is "stay inside" weather and we've already have baked Mormor's bread what better to do than to take advantage of the mood and bake some more? That is exactly what we did ~ We made "Boller" (sweet yeast rolls) :)
One of my good friends back home, Sjefa (the boss lady), is famous for her sweet rolls - Heitevegger. These sweet rolls are big and soft and sweet and Yummi!, and I would gladly give my left pinky to get hold of her recipe. Unfortunately or may be fortunately I still have my pinky, and thus I am now hunting for
the ultimate Sweet Roll Recipe. Today we are trying the recipe that is printed on the yeast pack for sweet goodies.

This is what you need:
200 gram butter
4 dl milk
1 bag yeast
2 eggs
2 dl sugar
1 ts
1 kilo white flour
1 ts Cardamom
Raisins - amount based on how much you want.

This is what you do:
Melt the butter, mix it with the milk and heat this mixture to a "little warmer than body temp.". Whip eggs and sugar lightly. Mix all the dry ingredients in a mixing bowl (I used my KitchenAid mixing bowl) before you mix the dry with the liquid. Work the dough until it is forming a sticky ball around the mixing arm. You will see that the dough will firmer up while resting/raising. Let the dough rest and raise for 30 min.

Lift the dough over on your lightly floured counter. I have a tool - a hand spatula - that I LOVE. I use it to lift doughs out of bowls, to divide doughs, to clean counters. It is very flexible and works on all kinds of yeast doughs. Divide the dough in to 20 - 25 pices, role each pice to a ball in the palm of your hand. Place each roll on a lightly greased cooking sheet. Let the rolls rest and raise for 40 minutes. Just before you bake them - glaze them with a thin coat of whipped egg - this will make them look shiny and very delicate when they are done. Be careful when you brush the egg glaze on - if you push to hard on the brush you'll end up pushing the air out of the roll = flat roll...

Bake each baking sheet in the middle of the oven for 10 - 12 minutes on 425F.

Voila ~ Sweet Rolls!

I have never found rolls like this here in the Stats and I would therefore like to share how we enjoy them. In my family we eat them with butter (the real thing) and Norwegian Brown Cheese when they are not really cold out of the owen. It is sooooo good! If you can't eat all of them right away - which probably wont be a good thing cause if you eat to manny fresh yeast rolls you run the risk of getting really really sick.... - freezing them might be a good idea Make sure they are cold before you freeze them.

Again, Enjoy! :)

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